quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011

Bacalhau à Brás - Codfish Brás' style

Há muito tempo que não fazia Bacalhau à Brás e é um prato de que gosto imenso. Nas compras no outro dia aproveitei e comprei umas embalagens de bacalhau desfiado e como a receita que lá vinha até era esta, resolvi experimentar. Confesso que fiquei surpresa com o facto de não se cozer o bacalhau antes (o que eu costumava fazer) mas gostei muito do sabor final e é muito mais rápido de fazer, por isso vou passar a fazer desta forma. Com esta receita entro no passatempo "As Nossas Receitas", d'O Mundo da B.V., cujo tema deste mês é dedicado ao bacalhau.

It's been a very long time since I cook codfish this way and it's a dish that I really love. So, when I was shopping the other day I bought some codfish that had already been shredded and since most companies already sell their products with recipes, this one came with the codfish. I have to say that I was surprised with the fact that the recipe didn't call for boling the fish first (which I always did), but I really liked the flavour of the dish and it's a lot quicker to do this way. With this recipe I'm entering the challenge set by blog O Mundo da B.V. called "Our Recipes", which in January is dedicated to codfish.

A receita...
Ingredientes (para 4 pessoas):
400 gr de bacalhau desfiado
batata palha (usei um resto da batatas fritas caseiras)
6 ovos
2 cebolas grandes (usei 1 e 1/2)
4 dentes de alho
pimenta preta moída q.b.
1 dl de azeite
azeitonas pretas

Demolhar o bacalhau durante 24 a 30 horas e no frigorífico, tendo o cuidado de mudar a água. Picar finamente as cebolas e os dentes de alho e alourar no azeite. Juntar o bacalhau desfiado e mexer para incorporar no azeite. Juntar a batata palha e misturar bem. À parte bater os ovos e temperá-los com pimenta. Verter os ovos mexidos para o tacho, mexendo bem para envolver todos os ingredientes. Polvilhar com salsa picada e com as azeitonas. Bom apetite!

The recipe...
Ingredients (4 pax):
400 gr of shredded salted codfish

french fries
6 eggs
2 large onions (I only used 1 and 1/2)
4 cloves of garlic
black pepper
1 dl olive oil
black olives

Put the codfish in water for 24 to 30 hours, in the fridge, and remember to switch the water frequently in order to get rid of the excess salt. Finely chop the onions and the garlic and set it to brown in a pan with the olive oil. When the onion is translucide, put in the codfish and blend it well in the olive oil. Add the french fries and continuo to fold in. On the side, beat the eggs and season them with the black pepper. Incorporate the eggs into the onion, coldfish and fries mixture and fold in everything really well. Sparkle with some parsley and olives and serve. Enjoy!

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