Esta foi a prenda de Natal da minha prima L., um porta-brincos para o quarto dela. Amanhã posto o outro que fiz para as minhas primas A. e A., num tom diferente.
This was my cousin L.'s Christmas present, an earing holder for her room. Tomorrow I'll show you my cousin's A. and A. one, in a different colour.
quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2011
quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011
Lombos de salmão assados com puré de batata e esparregado - Roasted salmon fillets with mash potatoes and spinach pureé
Tinha uns lombos de salmão no congelador que tinham de ser cozinhados e decidi fazê-los no forno, acompanhados de puré de batata e um esparregado pouco convencional. Gostei bastante do resultado final. Muito saboroso.
I had some salmon fillets in the freezer that had to be cooked so I decided to roast them in the oven and serve them with some mash potatoes and un unconventional spinach pureé. I really liked the end result. Very tasty.
Lombo de salmão assados no forno com puré de batata e esparregado
1 lombo de salmão por pessoa
temperos a gosto (sal, pimenta, ervas aromáticas, alho em pó, etc.)
4 batatas por pessoa
manteiga q.b.
leite q.b.
4 cubos de espinafres picados congelados
2 dentes de alho picados
azeite q.b.
limão q.b.
Tempere os lombos de salmão a gosto (usei sal, alho em pó, mistura para peixe, mistura salsa e alho da Espiga), regue com um fio de azeite e leve ao forno tapados com papel de alumínio até estarem bem cozinhados, retire o papel de alumínio e deixe ganhar cor (como o meu forno está marado, é difícil dizer um tempo e uma temperatura).
À parte, coza as batatas com sal e quando estiverem cozidas, esmigalhe-as com um passe-vite e leve novamente ao lume, com leite e manteiga q.b., mexendo sem parar até obter um puré cremoso.
Quando o puré estiver quase pronto, bem como os lombos de salmão, faça o esparregado. Coloque azeite e alho picado numa frigideira, deixe começar a estalar e adicione os espinafres picados. Mexa até se desfazerem e regue com o sumo de limão. Sirva a acompanhar o salmão e o puré. Bom apetite!
Roasted salmon fillet with mash potatoes ans spinach purée
1 salmon fillet per person
seasoning to taste (salt, black pepper, dried herbs, garlic powder, etc.)
4 potatoes per person
butter q.b.
milk q.b.
4 cubes of finelly diced frozen spinach
2 gloves of garlic, diced
olive oil q.b.
lemon q.b.
Season the salmon fillets to taste (I used salt, garlic powder, dired herbs mix for fish, garlic and parsley mix), add some olive oil and roast in the oven, covered with tin foil until they are to your liking, them remove the tin foil and let it gain colour (my oven is not working properly so I can't say how long it would take because I have to check it has it goes).
While the fish is roasting, cook the potatoes seasoned with salt and them turn them into mash. Bring it to the a boil and add butter and milk to taste, until you get a smooth mash.
Right before you finish your mash potatoes, get a frying pan eating with some olive oil and the diced garlic. When the garlic starts to cook, add the frozen diced spinach and let it cook. To finish the pureé, add some lemon juice to taste. Serve the pureé with the salmon fillet and the mash potatoes. Enjoy!
I had some salmon fillets in the freezer that had to be cooked so I decided to roast them in the oven and serve them with some mash potatoes and un unconventional spinach pureé. I really liked the end result. Very tasty.
Lombo de salmão assados no forno com puré de batata e esparregado
1 lombo de salmão por pessoa
temperos a gosto (sal, pimenta, ervas aromáticas, alho em pó, etc.)
4 batatas por pessoa
manteiga q.b.
leite q.b.
4 cubos de espinafres picados congelados
2 dentes de alho picados
azeite q.b.
limão q.b.
Tempere os lombos de salmão a gosto (usei sal, alho em pó, mistura para peixe, mistura salsa e alho da Espiga), regue com um fio de azeite e leve ao forno tapados com papel de alumínio até estarem bem cozinhados, retire o papel de alumínio e deixe ganhar cor (como o meu forno está marado, é difícil dizer um tempo e uma temperatura).
À parte, coza as batatas com sal e quando estiverem cozidas, esmigalhe-as com um passe-vite e leve novamente ao lume, com leite e manteiga q.b., mexendo sem parar até obter um puré cremoso.
Quando o puré estiver quase pronto, bem como os lombos de salmão, faça o esparregado. Coloque azeite e alho picado numa frigideira, deixe começar a estalar e adicione os espinafres picados. Mexa até se desfazerem e regue com o sumo de limão. Sirva a acompanhar o salmão e o puré. Bom apetite!
Roasted salmon fillet with mash potatoes ans spinach purée
1 salmon fillet per person
seasoning to taste (salt, black pepper, dried herbs, garlic powder, etc.)
4 potatoes per person
butter q.b.
milk q.b.
4 cubes of finelly diced frozen spinach
2 gloves of garlic, diced
olive oil q.b.
lemon q.b.
Season the salmon fillets to taste (I used salt, garlic powder, dired herbs mix for fish, garlic and parsley mix), add some olive oil and roast in the oven, covered with tin foil until they are to your liking, them remove the tin foil and let it gain colour (my oven is not working properly so I can't say how long it would take because I have to check it has it goes).
While the fish is roasting, cook the potatoes seasoned with salt and them turn them into mash. Bring it to the a boil and add butter and milk to taste, until you get a smooth mash.
Right before you finish your mash potatoes, get a frying pan eating with some olive oil and the diced garlic. When the garlic starts to cook, add the frozen diced spinach and let it cook. To finish the pureé, add some lemon juice to taste. Serve the pureé with the salmon fillet and the mash potatoes. Enjoy!
segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2011
Moldura bebé - Baby picture frame
Esta foi mais uma moldura que fiz para oferecer a um dos muitos "sobrinhos" que nasceram este ano... E temos dois Andrés, curiosamente! :)
This was another picture frame I made to offer to one of my many "nephews" who were born this year... And there are 2 Andrés! :)
This was another picture frame I made to offer to one of my many "nephews" who were born this year... And there are 2 Andrés! :)
domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2011
Moldura ursinho - Baby bear picture frame
Esta é a prenda de anos da Daniela, que tem quase um aninho ;) Espero que a mãe goste!!
This is Daniela's first birthday present... I hope her mother likes it ;)
This is Daniela's first birthday present... I hope her mother likes it ;)
terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011
Diário de viagem - Travel notebook
Este foi o último trabalho em cartonagem que fiz, a capa de um diário de viagem... Gostei bastante do resultado final, apesar da combinação "inusitada" :)
This was my last work with cardboard, I did the cover of a travel notebook... I really liked the end result, although I used a strange combination of fabric :)
This was my last work with cardboard, I did the cover of a travel notebook... I really liked the end result, although I used a strange combination of fabric :)
quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011
Uma pizza diferente - a different kind of pizza
Gosto imenso de pizza mas... da minha! Ou seja, quando vou a um italiano é raro pedir pizza porque sei que não vou ficar satisfeita. Sou fã de apenas um tipo de pizza, a bolonhesa, e a minha mãe faz o refogado da carne muito bem, que congela para termos sempre à mão. Por estes dias, apeteceu-me pizza, até porque tinha ali massa feita na Bimby congelada e queria utilizá-la. O problema é que já se acabou a carne para as pizzas e, assim, tive de improvisar e despachar uns restos de salsicha e bacon que para ali tinha. O resultado final não foi mau, mas continuo a preferir a minha. Isto serviu essencialmente para testar a qualidade da massa para pizza feita na Bimby e ficou aprovada. Agora tenho é de aperfeiçoar a arte de fazer uma pizza redonda, LOLLLL
I really like pizza but the one I make at home, so, when I go out to dinner at an italian I almost never have pizza because I know I'm not gonna be trully happy about it. My favorite pizza is bolognese and my mum does a really good bolognese that we freeze so we can always have some. One of these days I felt like having a pizza and I also wanted to try the pizza dough I had made in Bimby and freezed. The only problem was I was out of bolognese so I ended up using some leftover sausages and bacon. The end result wasn't bad, but I still prefer my bolognese pizza. Mainly, I wanted to try the pizza dough I had made in Bimby and it's approved. Now I just have to get better at doing a round pizza! LOLLL
Pizza com salsicha, bacon, cebola e ovo
Ingredientes para a base (dá para uma familiar ou duas médias):
200 gr de água
50 gr de azeite
1 colher de chá de sal
400 gr de farinha
1/2 saqueta de fermento seco (cerca de 5 gr)
Ingredientes para o recheio:
polpa de tomate
três salsichas de churrasco
100 gr de bacon em cubinhos
1 cebola
1 ovo
1/4 pimento vermelho
tomate cherry à discrição
queijo ralado
Comece por preparar a massa colocando no copo da Bimby a água, o azeite e o sal e programe 1 min/37º/vel2. Adicione a farinha e o fermento e programe 2 min/vel espiga. Retire e deixe a massa levedar num local morno até dobrar de volume. Se quiser pode congelar depois de levedar (dividida em duas ou três porções ou toda junta). Se a for utilizar logo, coloque a massa sobre uma superfície polvilhada com farinha e estenda-a com um rolo de modo a que fique fina. Espalhe polpa de tomate a gosto sobre a base. Recheie depois com as salsichas cortadas em rodelas e previamente fritas juntamente com o bacon. Adicione a cebola previamente caramelizada. Espalhe o pimento cru cortado em cubos e os tomates cortados em metades. Polvilhe com óregãos. No meio da pizza parta um ovo. Cubra toda a pizza, excepto a gema do ovo, com o queijo ralado. Polvilhe com óregãos e leve ao forno pré-aquecido a 220º C cerca de 20 minutos. Delicie-se!
Pizza with sausage, bacon, onion and egg
Ingredients for the base (enough for a big pizza or two medium):
200 gr of water
50 gr of olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
400 gr of flour
1/2 packet of dry yeast (about 5 gr)
Ingredients for the filling:
tomato paste
3 barbecue sausages
100 gr of bacon cut into cubes
1 onion
1 egg
1/4 red bell pepper
cherry tomato
dried oregano
shredded cheese
Start by doing the pizza dough. Put the water, olive oil and salt in Bimby and set it for 1 min/37º/speed 2. Add the flour and the yeast and set for 2 min/speed dough. Set the dough aside to rise until it doubles it's size. If you want you can freeze the dough now (hole or in portions). If you are doing the pizza now, put the dough in a counter sprinkled with flour and work it until it's to your taste. Spread the tomato paste on to your base. Cover it with the previously cooked sausages and bacon. Add the onion that has been caramelized. Add the red bell pepper cut into cubes and the halved cherry tomatos. Sprinkle with oregano. In the middle, crack open an egg. Add enough shredded cheese to cover the hole pizza, but don't put in the egg yolk. Sprinkle again with oregano and cook it in a 220 ºC pre-eated oven for about 20 minutes. Enjoy!
I really like pizza but the one I make at home, so, when I go out to dinner at an italian I almost never have pizza because I know I'm not gonna be trully happy about it. My favorite pizza is bolognese and my mum does a really good bolognese that we freeze so we can always have some. One of these days I felt like having a pizza and I also wanted to try the pizza dough I had made in Bimby and freezed. The only problem was I was out of bolognese so I ended up using some leftover sausages and bacon. The end result wasn't bad, but I still prefer my bolognese pizza. Mainly, I wanted to try the pizza dough I had made in Bimby and it's approved. Now I just have to get better at doing a round pizza! LOLLL
Pizza com salsicha, bacon, cebola e ovo
Ingredientes para a base (dá para uma familiar ou duas médias):
200 gr de água
50 gr de azeite
1 colher de chá de sal
400 gr de farinha
1/2 saqueta de fermento seco (cerca de 5 gr)
Ingredientes para o recheio:
polpa de tomate
três salsichas de churrasco
100 gr de bacon em cubinhos
1 cebola
1 ovo
1/4 pimento vermelho
tomate cherry à discrição
queijo ralado
Comece por preparar a massa colocando no copo da Bimby a água, o azeite e o sal e programe 1 min/37º/vel2. Adicione a farinha e o fermento e programe 2 min/vel espiga. Retire e deixe a massa levedar num local morno até dobrar de volume. Se quiser pode congelar depois de levedar (dividida em duas ou três porções ou toda junta). Se a for utilizar logo, coloque a massa sobre uma superfície polvilhada com farinha e estenda-a com um rolo de modo a que fique fina. Espalhe polpa de tomate a gosto sobre a base. Recheie depois com as salsichas cortadas em rodelas e previamente fritas juntamente com o bacon. Adicione a cebola previamente caramelizada. Espalhe o pimento cru cortado em cubos e os tomates cortados em metades. Polvilhe com óregãos. No meio da pizza parta um ovo. Cubra toda a pizza, excepto a gema do ovo, com o queijo ralado. Polvilhe com óregãos e leve ao forno pré-aquecido a 220º C cerca de 20 minutos. Delicie-se!
Pizza with sausage, bacon, onion and egg
Ingredients for the base (enough for a big pizza or two medium):
200 gr of water
50 gr of olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
400 gr of flour
1/2 packet of dry yeast (about 5 gr)
Ingredients for the filling:
tomato paste
3 barbecue sausages
100 gr of bacon cut into cubes
1 onion
1 egg
1/4 red bell pepper
cherry tomato
dried oregano
shredded cheese
Start by doing the pizza dough. Put the water, olive oil and salt in Bimby and set it for 1 min/37º/speed 2. Add the flour and the yeast and set for 2 min/speed dough. Set the dough aside to rise until it doubles it's size. If you want you can freeze the dough now (hole or in portions). If you are doing the pizza now, put the dough in a counter sprinkled with flour and work it until it's to your taste. Spread the tomato paste on to your base. Cover it with the previously cooked sausages and bacon. Add the onion that has been caramelized. Add the red bell pepper cut into cubes and the halved cherry tomatos. Sprinkle with oregano. In the middle, crack open an egg. Add enough shredded cheese to cover the hole pizza, but don't put in the egg yolk. Sprinkle again with oregano and cook it in a 220 ºC pre-eated oven for about 20 minutes. Enjoy!
segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2011
Regresso oito meses depois e um bolo - Back after eight months and a cake
Olá, meus queridos e minhas queridas... Ao fim de oito meses de silêncio, eis que estou de volta ao meu cantinho que tantas saudades me deixou, saudades que são extensíveis aos vossos cantinhos, que fui acompanhando de forma irregular, infelizmente.
E nada melhor para regressar do que um bolo, que é algo que eu gosto imenso de fazer, mas como não sou muito gulosa, acabo por os dar aos meus pais, lollll. Adoro os bolos quentes, acabadinhos de sair do forno, isso sim ;)
Como comprei uma Bimby (lá teve de ser... só me falta a Actifry) ando a experimentar as suas potencialidades e quis fazer um bolo... Assim, aproveitei uma courgette e umas cenouras que ali tinha e fiz esta receita da nossa querida Luísa Alexandra, com algumas alterações. Nunca tinha experimentado courgette num bolo e gostei do resultado final, não apenas em termos de textura do bolo, mas também em termos de sabor. Para repetir...
Hello, my dearests! After eight months of silence, I'm finally back to my blog, which I've missed terribly, like I've missed your blogs, that I haven't read as often as I would like in these past months. And there is no better come back than with a cake, which is something I love to do but strangely enough I'm not that keen on sweets so I always end up given the cakes to my parents. LOLLL But I do love a piece of cake straight out of the oven ;)
This cake was made because I just bought a Bimby and I'm experimenting with it, trying to discover it's full potencial, so I took some carrots and a zucchini and did this recipe from our dear Luísa Alexandra, with a few changes. I had never tried to use a zucchini on a cake before and really liked how it came out, not only the texture of the cake but also it's taste. I'll do this again for sure...
Bolo de courgette, cenoura e coco aromatizado com limão
Ingredientes:1 Courgette
1 casca de um limão
2 Cenouras (usei 5 pequenas)
3 Ovos
150 gr. de Açúcar (usei 180 gr.)
80 gr. de Margarina (usei 90 gr. de vaqueiro líquida)
20 gr. de Azeite (usei 50 gr.)
50 gr. de Côco Ralado (usei 60 gr. e acrescentei mais 20 gr de sementes de papoila)
220 gr. de Farinha (usei 250 gr. de farinha para bolos)
1 colher (de chá) de Fermento (não usei)
Preparação:Descasque e lave a courgette e as cenouras, deite-as no copo da Bimby juntamente com a casca de limão e triture 30 seg., vel. 9. Junte o açúcar e as gemas (usei os ovos inteiros), programe 1 min., vel. 4.Adicione a margarina, o azeite e o côco e misture 30 seg. vel. 4.
Depois a farinha misturada com o fermento, 30 seg., vel. 3.
À parte batem-se as claras, fiz na speedy chef, que se envolvem com a espátula à mistura anterior (saltei esta parte porque usei os ovos inteiros no passo anterior)
Coloca-se numa forma de silicone e vai ao forno. O meu demorou cerca de 1h, mas o meu forno anda marado...
Zucchini, carrot and coconut cake with lemon scentIngredients:1 zucchini
1 lemon peel
2 carrots (I used 5 small ones)
3 eggs
150 gr. of sugar (I used 180 gr.)
80 gr. of margarine (I used 90 gr. of liquid margarine)
20 gr. of olive oil (I used 50 gr.)
50 gr. of schredded coconut (I used 60 gr. and added 20 gr of poppy seeds)
220 gr. of flour (I used 250 gr. of cake flour)
1 tea spoon of yeast (didn't use it)
Cooking:Peal and wash the zucchini and the carrots and put it inside the Bimby with the lemon peel. Set the machine for 30 seconds, speed 9. Afterwards, add the sugar and the eggs and set the machine 1 min., speed 4. Add the margarine, the olive oil, the coconut and the poppy seeds and set it to 30 seconds, vel. 4. In the end, add the flour and mixed it for 30 seconds, speed 3.Put it in a cake baking tray and cook it in the oven, Mine took about an hour but my oven is not working properly so check it as it cooks.
E nada melhor para regressar do que um bolo, que é algo que eu gosto imenso de fazer, mas como não sou muito gulosa, acabo por os dar aos meus pais, lollll. Adoro os bolos quentes, acabadinhos de sair do forno, isso sim ;)
Como comprei uma Bimby (lá teve de ser... só me falta a Actifry) ando a experimentar as suas potencialidades e quis fazer um bolo... Assim, aproveitei uma courgette e umas cenouras que ali tinha e fiz esta receita da nossa querida Luísa Alexandra, com algumas alterações. Nunca tinha experimentado courgette num bolo e gostei do resultado final, não apenas em termos de textura do bolo, mas também em termos de sabor. Para repetir...
Hello, my dearests! After eight months of silence, I'm finally back to my blog, which I've missed terribly, like I've missed your blogs, that I haven't read as often as I would like in these past months. And there is no better come back than with a cake, which is something I love to do but strangely enough I'm not that keen on sweets so I always end up given the cakes to my parents. LOLLL But I do love a piece of cake straight out of the oven ;)
This cake was made because I just bought a Bimby and I'm experimenting with it, trying to discover it's full potencial, so I took some carrots and a zucchini and did this recipe from our dear Luísa Alexandra, with a few changes. I had never tried to use a zucchini on a cake before and really liked how it came out, not only the texture of the cake but also it's taste. I'll do this again for sure...
Bolo de courgette, cenoura e coco aromatizado com limão
Ingredientes:1 Courgette
1 casca de um limão
2 Cenouras (usei 5 pequenas)
3 Ovos
150 gr. de Açúcar (usei 180 gr.)
80 gr. de Margarina (usei 90 gr. de vaqueiro líquida)
20 gr. de Azeite (usei 50 gr.)
50 gr. de Côco Ralado (usei 60 gr. e acrescentei mais 20 gr de sementes de papoila)
220 gr. de Farinha (usei 250 gr. de farinha para bolos)
1 colher (de chá) de Fermento (não usei)
Preparação:Descasque e lave a courgette e as cenouras, deite-as no copo da Bimby juntamente com a casca de limão e triture 30 seg., vel. 9. Junte o açúcar e as gemas (usei os ovos inteiros), programe 1 min., vel. 4.Adicione a margarina, o azeite e o côco e misture 30 seg. vel. 4.
Depois a farinha misturada com o fermento, 30 seg., vel. 3.
À parte batem-se as claras, fiz na speedy chef, que se envolvem com a espátula à mistura anterior (saltei esta parte porque usei os ovos inteiros no passo anterior)
Coloca-se numa forma de silicone e vai ao forno. O meu demorou cerca de 1h, mas o meu forno anda marado...
Zucchini, carrot and coconut cake with lemon scentIngredients:1 zucchini
1 lemon peel
2 carrots (I used 5 small ones)
3 eggs
150 gr. of sugar (I used 180 gr.)
80 gr. of margarine (I used 90 gr. of liquid margarine)
20 gr. of olive oil (I used 50 gr.)
50 gr. of schredded coconut (I used 60 gr. and added 20 gr of poppy seeds)
220 gr. of flour (I used 250 gr. of cake flour)
1 tea spoon of yeast (didn't use it)
Cooking:Peal and wash the zucchini and the carrots and put it inside the Bimby with the lemon peel. Set the machine for 30 seconds, speed 9. Afterwards, add the sugar and the eggs and set the machine 1 min., speed 4. Add the margarine, the olive oil, the coconut and the poppy seeds and set it to 30 seconds, vel. 4. In the end, add the flour and mixed it for 30 seconds, speed 3.Put it in a cake baking tray and cook it in the oven, Mine took about an hour but my oven is not working properly so check it as it cooks.
sábado, 19 de março de 2011
Dar um mergulho - going for a dive
No final de Janeiro estive na Madeira, nunca lá tinha estado e gostei bastante, especialmente da gastronomia. Quando me perguntam "gostaste da Madeira" a minha resposta é, invariavelmente, "adorei a comida!" Não passeei muito, porque o tempo foi pouco, mas fiquei com vontade de voltar e comer no restaurante que tem estas piscinas naturais por trás e que me deixou com água na boca... Depois de um mergulho, um bom peixe na Doca do Cavaco (ou será da Cavaca?) é o fim ideal para um dia bem passado :)
In the end of January I went to Madeira, a place I've never been before, and I really liked it specially the food! When anyone asks "did you like Madeira" I always answer "I loved the food". I didn't do much sigthseeing because I was only there for a short time, but I really want to go back and eat again at the restaurant that has this natural swimming pool because the food was amazing! After a dive in the swimming pool, have a nice little fish at the restaurant which is called Doca do Cavaco (or is it Cavaca?)... it's the perfect ending for a really good day :)
In the end of January I went to Madeira, a place I've never been before, and I really liked it specially the food! When anyone asks "did you like Madeira" I always answer "I loved the food". I didn't do much sigthseeing because I was only there for a short time, but I really want to go back and eat again at the restaurant that has this natural swimming pool because the food was amazing! After a dive in the swimming pool, have a nice little fish at the restaurant which is called Doca do Cavaco (or is it Cavaca?)... it's the perfect ending for a really good day :)
sexta-feira, 18 de março de 2011
Arroz de moelas e ausência - Gizzard's rice and my absense
Este início de ano tem sido atribulado, com mudanças no trabalho que estão a implicar um ritmo muito mais acelerado do que o anterior, o que me tem deixado muito pouco tempo para cozinhar e, por isso, para vir actualizar o meu blogue, mas esperemos que as coisas acalmem um pouco e possa voltar a ter tempo para me dedicar ao fogão :)
Já disse várias vezes que adoro moelas e, desta vez, apeteceu-me fazer um arrozinho de moelas. Pesquisei várias receitas e encontrei esta no blogue Tertúlia de Sabores, que foi a que me atraiu mais e não me arrependi, porque o arroz ficou bastante saboroso. Deixo a receita exactamente como está, uma vez que não fiz alterações, excepto não usar corações porque não os tinha.
The beggining of this year brought a lot of changes in my work place and the rhythm and amount of work as really grown, which has left me with little time to cook and, therefor, to update my blog. Let's hope things settle down so I can go back to my kitchen and cook some very nice dishes :)
I've said a few times now that I love gizzards and this time I decided to do a rice with them. I did some research on the internet and found this recipe in Tertúlia dos Sabores's blog. I decided to try it out and I didn't regret it because this makes for a very tasty gizzard's rice. I leave you the recipe just has it is, because I didn't make any changes to it excepto not using the chicken's earth because I didn't have them.
A receita...
350 g de moelas de galinha
1 colher de sopa de pinhões tostados (não usei)
2 cravinhos
1 folha de louro
Sal e pimenta q.b.
1 chávena de arroz
2 a 3 medidas do caldo de cozer as moelas
1 cebola picada
1 dente de alho picado
1 colher de sopa de salsa picada (não usei)
Já disse várias vezes que adoro moelas e, desta vez, apeteceu-me fazer um arrozinho de moelas. Pesquisei várias receitas e encontrei esta no blogue Tertúlia de Sabores, que foi a que me atraiu mais e não me arrependi, porque o arroz ficou bastante saboroso. Deixo a receita exactamente como está, uma vez que não fiz alterações, excepto não usar corações porque não os tinha.
The beggining of this year brought a lot of changes in my work place and the rhythm and amount of work as really grown, which has left me with little time to cook and, therefor, to update my blog. Let's hope things settle down so I can go back to my kitchen and cook some very nice dishes :)
I've said a few times now that I love gizzards and this time I decided to do a rice with them. I did some research on the internet and found this recipe in Tertúlia dos Sabores's blog. I decided to try it out and I didn't regret it because this makes for a very tasty gizzard's rice. I leave you the recipe just has it is, because I didn't make any changes to it excepto not using the chicken's earth because I didn't have them.
A receita...
350 g de moelas de galinha
1 colher de sopa de pinhões tostados (não usei)
2 cravinhos
1 folha de louro
Sal e pimenta q.b.
1 chávena de arroz
2 a 3 medidas do caldo de cozer as moelas
1 cebola picada
1 dente de alho picado
1 colher de sopa de salsa picada (não usei)
Cozem-se as moelas cortadas em pequenos pedacinhos em água temperada com sal, pimenta a folha de louro e o cravinho. Num tacho põe-se um fio de azeite, deita-se a cebola e o alho picados e deixa-se alourar um pouco, põe-se o arroz, acrescenta-se a água de cozer os miúdos coada, juntam-se as moelase deixa-se cozer em lume brando. No final juntam-se os pinhões tostados e um pouco de salsa picadinha, serve-se de imediato. Bom apetite!
The recipe...
350 g of chicken gizzards
1 tbs of toasted pinenuts (didn't use) 2 cloves
1 bayleaf
Salt and black pepper to tast
1 cup of rice
2 to 3 cups of gizzard's stock
1 diced onion
1 clove of garlic diced
1 tbs of parsley (didn't use)
The recipe...
350 g of chicken gizzards
1 tbs of toasted pinenuts (didn't use) 2 cloves
1 bayleaf
Salt and black pepper to tast
1 cup of rice
2 to 3 cups of gizzard's stock
1 diced onion
1 clove of garlic diced
1 tbs of parsley (didn't use)
Clean the gizzards, cut them into bite sizes and cook them in boiling water with the salt, the black pepper, the bayleaf and the cloves. When they are cooked, heat a drizzle of olive oil in a cooking pan, add the garlic and de onio and let it sweat. Then add the rice, stir, add the drainned stock you got from cooking the gizzards., and then the gizzards. Let it cook in low heat. In the end, add the toasted pinenuts and the parsley. Enjoy!
quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011
Caixa de casamento - Wedding memory box
Esta é a segunda parte da prenda de casamento que fiz para o meu amigo. É uma caixa para guardarem as lembranças de casamento. Os quadrados da tampa são bocados do papel utilizado nos convites. Espero que eles gostem... :)
This is the second part of the wedding gift I was making for my friend and it's a box for them to save their wedding memorabilia. The squares used on the top of the box are part of the paper they used on their wedding invitations. I sure hope they like it...
This is the second part of the wedding gift I was making for my friend and it's a box for them to save their wedding memorabilia. The squares used on the top of the box are part of the paper they used on their wedding invitations. I sure hope they like it...
quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011
Bacalhau à Brás - Codfish Brás' style
Há muito tempo que não fazia Bacalhau à Brás e é um prato de que gosto imenso. Nas compras no outro dia aproveitei e comprei umas embalagens de bacalhau desfiado e como a receita que lá vinha até era esta, resolvi experimentar. Confesso que fiquei surpresa com o facto de não se cozer o bacalhau antes (o que eu costumava fazer) mas gostei muito do sabor final e é muito mais rápido de fazer, por isso vou passar a fazer desta forma. Com esta receita entro no passatempo "As Nossas Receitas", d'O Mundo da B.V., cujo tema deste mês é dedicado ao bacalhau.
It's been a very long time since I cook codfish this way and it's a dish that I really love. So, when I was shopping the other day I bought some codfish that had already been shredded and since most companies already sell their products with recipes, this one came with the codfish. I have to say that I was surprised with the fact that the recipe didn't call for boling the fish first (which I always did), but I really liked the flavour of the dish and it's a lot quicker to do this way. With this recipe I'm entering the challenge set by blog O Mundo da B.V. called "Our Recipes", which in January is dedicated to codfish.
A receita...
Ingredientes (para 4 pessoas):
400 gr de bacalhau desfiado
batata palha (usei um resto da batatas fritas caseiras)
6 ovos
2 cebolas grandes (usei 1 e 1/2)
4 dentes de alho
pimenta preta moída q.b.
1 dl de azeite
azeitonas pretas
Demolhar o bacalhau durante 24 a 30 horas e no frigorífico, tendo o cuidado de mudar a água. Picar finamente as cebolas e os dentes de alho e alourar no azeite. Juntar o bacalhau desfiado e mexer para incorporar no azeite. Juntar a batata palha e misturar bem. À parte bater os ovos e temperá-los com pimenta. Verter os ovos mexidos para o tacho, mexendo bem para envolver todos os ingredientes. Polvilhar com salsa picada e com as azeitonas. Bom apetite!
The recipe...
Ingredients (4 pax):
400 gr of shredded salted codfish
french fries
6 eggs
2 large onions (I only used 1 and 1/2)
4 cloves of garlic
black pepper
1 dl olive oil
black olives
Put the codfish in water for 24 to 30 hours, in the fridge, and remember to switch the water frequently in order to get rid of the excess salt. Finely chop the onions and the garlic and set it to brown in a pan with the olive oil. When the onion is translucide, put in the codfish and blend it well in the olive oil. Add the french fries and continuo to fold in. On the side, beat the eggs and season them with the black pepper. Incorporate the eggs into the onion, coldfish and fries mixture and fold in everything really well. Sparkle with some parsley and olives and serve. Enjoy!
It's been a very long time since I cook codfish this way and it's a dish that I really love. So, when I was shopping the other day I bought some codfish that had already been shredded and since most companies already sell their products with recipes, this one came with the codfish. I have to say that I was surprised with the fact that the recipe didn't call for boling the fish first (which I always did), but I really liked the flavour of the dish and it's a lot quicker to do this way. With this recipe I'm entering the challenge set by blog O Mundo da B.V. called "Our Recipes", which in January is dedicated to codfish.
A receita...
Ingredientes (para 4 pessoas):
400 gr de bacalhau desfiado
batata palha (usei um resto da batatas fritas caseiras)
6 ovos
2 cebolas grandes (usei 1 e 1/2)
4 dentes de alho
pimenta preta moída q.b.
1 dl de azeite
azeitonas pretas
Demolhar o bacalhau durante 24 a 30 horas e no frigorífico, tendo o cuidado de mudar a água. Picar finamente as cebolas e os dentes de alho e alourar no azeite. Juntar o bacalhau desfiado e mexer para incorporar no azeite. Juntar a batata palha e misturar bem. À parte bater os ovos e temperá-los com pimenta. Verter os ovos mexidos para o tacho, mexendo bem para envolver todos os ingredientes. Polvilhar com salsa picada e com as azeitonas. Bom apetite!
The recipe...
Ingredients (4 pax):
400 gr of shredded salted codfish
french fries
6 eggs
2 large onions (I only used 1 and 1/2)
4 cloves of garlic
black pepper
1 dl olive oil
black olives
Put the codfish in water for 24 to 30 hours, in the fridge, and remember to switch the water frequently in order to get rid of the excess salt. Finely chop the onions and the garlic and set it to brown in a pan with the olive oil. When the onion is translucide, put in the codfish and blend it well in the olive oil. Add the french fries and continuo to fold in. On the side, beat the eggs and season them with the black pepper. Incorporate the eggs into the onion, coldfish and fries mixture and fold in everything really well. Sparkle with some parsley and olives and serve. Enjoy!
quarta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2011
Moldura de casamento - wedding photo frame
Esta semana tem sido complicada e por isso não tenho postado nada nem visitado os vossos blogues, mas espero conseguir fazê-lo em breve. Entretanto, deixo uma moldura que fiz como prenda de casamento para um amigo. Ficou muito simples e, pessoalmente, acho que muito bonita. Espero que eles gostem. A segunda parte da prenda mostro depois.
This week has been complicated e that's why I haven't posted anything or visited your blogs, but I hope to do it soon. In the meantime, I leave you with this photo frame that I did as a wedding gift for a friend. It's very simple and, personally, I think it's very beautiful. I really hope he and his wife like it. The second part of the wedding gift I made for them I'll show later on.
This week has been complicated e that's why I haven't posted anything or visited your blogs, but I hope to do it soon. In the meantime, I leave you with this photo frame that I did as a wedding gift for a friend. It's very simple and, personally, I think it's very beautiful. I really hope he and his wife like it. The second part of the wedding gift I made for them I'll show later on.
quarta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2011
Filetes de pescada fritos com arroz de tomate - Fried whitefish fillets with tomato rice
Adoro filetes de pescada fritos panados com farinha mas, no outro dia, decidi experimentar fazê-los de uma forma diferente, sem passar por farinha e com um tempero também diferente. A sugestão foi do P. e gostei do resultado final, mas prefiro temperadinhos com muito limão e passados por farinha, ficam super saborosos! Acompanhei com arroz de tomate feito com um resto de molho de tomate caseiro (oferecido) que tinha para gastar.
I love fried whitefish fillets, coatted with flour but, the other day, I decided to try them in a different way, without the flour and seasonned differently as well. P. suggested this recipe and I did like the taste of it, but I have to admit I rather do them the old fashion way seasonned with lots of lemon juice and coatted with flour. I had the fillets with tomato rice made with some leftover homemade tomato sauce that my godmother gave to me.
A receita...
2 filetes de pescada
sal aromatizado com alho
pimenta branca moída
sumo de limão
Tempere os filetes de pescada com o sal aromatizado com alho, a pimenta branca moída, um fio de azeite e o sumo de limão. Deixe marinar durante pelo menos 30 minutos. Aqueça um fio de azeite com uma noz de manteiga numa frigideira e frite os filetes. Acompanhei com o arroz de tomate e molho de manteiga, limão e piri-piri. Bom apetite!
The recipe...
2 whitefish fillets
garlic flavoured salt
ground white pepper
olive oil
lemon juice
dried chilli
Season the fillets with salt, pepper, olive oil and lemon juice and let marinate for a least 30 minutes. Eat a nonsticky frying pan with some olive oil and butter and fry the fillets. Serve with some tomato rice and a butter, lemon and dry chilli sauce. Enjoy!
I love fried whitefish fillets, coatted with flour but, the other day, I decided to try them in a different way, without the flour and seasonned differently as well. P. suggested this recipe and I did like the taste of it, but I have to admit I rather do them the old fashion way seasonned with lots of lemon juice and coatted with flour. I had the fillets with tomato rice made with some leftover homemade tomato sauce that my godmother gave to me.
A receita...
2 filetes de pescada
sal aromatizado com alho
pimenta branca moída
sumo de limão
Tempere os filetes de pescada com o sal aromatizado com alho, a pimenta branca moída, um fio de azeite e o sumo de limão. Deixe marinar durante pelo menos 30 minutos. Aqueça um fio de azeite com uma noz de manteiga numa frigideira e frite os filetes. Acompanhei com o arroz de tomate e molho de manteiga, limão e piri-piri. Bom apetite!
The recipe...
2 whitefish fillets
garlic flavoured salt
ground white pepper
olive oil
lemon juice
dried chilli
Season the fillets with salt, pepper, olive oil and lemon juice and let marinate for a least 30 minutes. Eat a nonsticky frying pan with some olive oil and butter and fry the fillets. Serve with some tomato rice and a butter, lemon and dry chilli sauce. Enjoy!
sexta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2011
Espetada de lulas e camarão com batatas cozidas e vegetais salteados - Squid and shrimp skeewers with boiled potatoes and sautée vegetables
Numa das minhas idas às compras resolvi trazer bastante peixe, porque estava quase sem nenhum no congelador, e encontrei estas espetadas congeladas que resolvi trazer. É um prato bom para se fazer quando se tem pressa ou não se tem muita vontade de estar na cozinha. Acompanhei com batatas cozidas e vegetais salteados. Os vegetais são todos congelados porque não sou fã de vegetais e só como de vez em quando, assim, em vez de comprar frescos e acabar por os deixar estragar, compro congelados e usos apenas quando preciso. É claro que posso comprar frescos e congelar, mas ainda não me dediquei a isso a fundo.
In one of my many shop rounds I decided to buy some fish, because I was running out of it in my freezer, and I found these squid and shrimp skeewers that I bought. It's a great dish to make when you're in a hurry or you're not in the mood for cooking. I served it with some boiled potatoes and sautée vegetables. The vegetables I used were all frozen because I'm not very fond of vegetables and i only eat them once in a while, so if I buy them fresh, they'll end up going to waist, that is why I prefer to buy them frozen so they are in handy whenever I want. Of course I can buy them fresh and them freeze them, but I haven't gotten aroun to do it just yet...
A receita...
Ingredientes (por pessoa):
1 espetada
2 batatas (usei mais para fazer outra refeição)
cenoura bebé q.b.
feijão verde q.b. (usei do redondo que é o que mais gosto)
3 couves-de-bruxelas
sal e pimenta branca moída
2 dentes de alho
1 colher de chá massa de pimentão
sumo de 1/2 limão
Comece por temperar a espetada com um pouco de sal, pimenta branca, azeite e o sumo do limão e deixe a marinar durante pelo menos 30 minutos. Coloque as batatas a cozer em água com sal, um dente de alho e um colher de chá de massa de pimentão (isto dá um sabor fantástico às batatas). Quando as batatas estiverem quase cozidas, adicione os vegetais para que cozam. Entretanto, coloque a espetada a grelhar num grelhador untado com um pouco de azeite. Retire os vegetais quando estiverem prontos e saltei-os num pouco de azeite aromatizado com alho (use o dente de alho que sobrou). Polvilhe com orégãos. Sirva a espetada acompanhadas das batatas e dos vegetais. Bom apetite!
The recipe...
Ingredients (per person):
1 squid and shrimp skeewer
2 potatoes
baby carrots q.b.
round green beans q.b.
3 brussels sprouts
salt and ground white pepper
2 cloves os garlic
olive oil
1 teaspoon of red pepper paste
juice of 1/2 lemon
Season the skeewer with some salt, white pepper, olive oil and lemon juice and let it marinate for at least 30 minutes. Boil the potatoes in salted water, seasonned with one clove of garlic and the red pepper paste (this gives a fantastic taste to the potatoes). When the potatoes are almost cooked through, add the vegetables and let them cook. Meanwhile, heat a grilling pan drizzled with some olive oil and grill the skeewer. When the vegetables are done, remove them from the boiling water and sautée them in some garlic fragrant olive oil (use the remaining clove of garlic for that). season with oregano. Serve the skeewer with the boiled potatoes and the sautéed vegetables. Enjoy!
In one of my many shop rounds I decided to buy some fish, because I was running out of it in my freezer, and I found these squid and shrimp skeewers that I bought. It's a great dish to make when you're in a hurry or you're not in the mood for cooking. I served it with some boiled potatoes and sautée vegetables. The vegetables I used were all frozen because I'm not very fond of vegetables and i only eat them once in a while, so if I buy them fresh, they'll end up going to waist, that is why I prefer to buy them frozen so they are in handy whenever I want. Of course I can buy them fresh and them freeze them, but I haven't gotten aroun to do it just yet...
A receita...
Ingredientes (por pessoa):
1 espetada
2 batatas (usei mais para fazer outra refeição)
cenoura bebé q.b.
feijão verde q.b. (usei do redondo que é o que mais gosto)
3 couves-de-bruxelas
sal e pimenta branca moída
2 dentes de alho
1 colher de chá massa de pimentão
sumo de 1/2 limão
Comece por temperar a espetada com um pouco de sal, pimenta branca, azeite e o sumo do limão e deixe a marinar durante pelo menos 30 minutos. Coloque as batatas a cozer em água com sal, um dente de alho e um colher de chá de massa de pimentão (isto dá um sabor fantástico às batatas). Quando as batatas estiverem quase cozidas, adicione os vegetais para que cozam. Entretanto, coloque a espetada a grelhar num grelhador untado com um pouco de azeite. Retire os vegetais quando estiverem prontos e saltei-os num pouco de azeite aromatizado com alho (use o dente de alho que sobrou). Polvilhe com orégãos. Sirva a espetada acompanhadas das batatas e dos vegetais. Bom apetite!
The recipe...
Ingredients (per person):
1 squid and shrimp skeewer
2 potatoes
baby carrots q.b.
round green beans q.b.
3 brussels sprouts
salt and ground white pepper
2 cloves os garlic
olive oil
1 teaspoon of red pepper paste
juice of 1/2 lemon
Season the skeewer with some salt, white pepper, olive oil and lemon juice and let it marinate for at least 30 minutes. Boil the potatoes in salted water, seasonned with one clove of garlic and the red pepper paste (this gives a fantastic taste to the potatoes). When the potatoes are almost cooked through, add the vegetables and let them cook. Meanwhile, heat a grilling pan drizzled with some olive oil and grill the skeewer. When the vegetables are done, remove them from the boiling water and sautée them in some garlic fragrant olive oil (use the remaining clove of garlic for that). season with oregano. Serve the skeewer with the boiled potatoes and the sautéed vegetables. Enjoy!
quarta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2011
Taglioline de vinho tinto Barolo com salsichas de frango e ovo estrelado - Red Wine Barolo Taglioline with chicken sausages and fried egg
Bem, esta receita não é nada de mais e o único motivo pelo qual a publico é mesmo por se tratar de dois produtos novos que resolvi experimentar e queria partilhar convosco a minha opinião. Na minha última ida às compras descobri as novas salsichas Naturíssimas da Nobre, em versão frango e peru. Resolvi trazer uma embalagem de cada para experimentar. Gosto sempre de ter salsichas em casa, para quando estou sem vontade de fazer seja o que for mas tenho de me alimentar ;) Na fase da fritura, estas salsichas duplicaram de tamanho, pareciam balões inchados! Depois regressaram mais ou menos ao normal. Em termos de sabor, gostei, mas são mais rijas do que as salsichas a que estamos habituados. Lembraram-me as salsichas alemãs para cachorros. O ketchup que acompanha as salsichas é uma versão picante que encontrei á venda no Intermarché e da qual gosto bastante!
A acompanhar testei o taglioline de vinho tinto Barolo à venda no Lidl. Quando estava a cozer a massa notei um toque adocicado a canela e fui ver os ingredientes da massa que, além do vinho tinto e da canela, inclui beterraba em pó, pimenta branca, cravo-da-índia e noz-moscada. Estas especiarias dão à massa um toque muito especial e agradável. Fiquei fã. :)
Well, this is not a recipe that I would normally put up in the blog and the only reason I'm doing it is because I've tried some new products and I wanted to tell you my opinion of them. On my last round shopping, I discovered the new Naturíssimas sausages from Nobre, which are made of chicken and turkey and I decided to try them. I was like to have sausages on the house for those days when I'm not in the mood for cooking but still have to eat. These chicken sausages are good in taste, but their size doubled when they were frying. When I got them out they returned almost to their normal size. The only thing I was less fond of was the texture of te sausages, because they are a bit more stiff then the other, they reminded me of those german hot dog sausages. The ketchup that is near the sausages is a spicy variety that I found in Intermarché and that I really like.
My other experience was with the red wine Barolo taglioline that I bough in Lidl. when the pasta was cooking, I sensed a sweet cinnamon scent coming from it so I looked at the lable and discovered that the pasta as not only the red wine and the cinnamon, but also ground beetroot, white pepper, nutmeg and cloves. I think these spices give the pasta a very special and tasty touch. I'm a fan!
A acompanhar testei o taglioline de vinho tinto Barolo à venda no Lidl. Quando estava a cozer a massa notei um toque adocicado a canela e fui ver os ingredientes da massa que, além do vinho tinto e da canela, inclui beterraba em pó, pimenta branca, cravo-da-índia e noz-moscada. Estas especiarias dão à massa um toque muito especial e agradável. Fiquei fã. :)
Well, this is not a recipe that I would normally put up in the blog and the only reason I'm doing it is because I've tried some new products and I wanted to tell you my opinion of them. On my last round shopping, I discovered the new Naturíssimas sausages from Nobre, which are made of chicken and turkey and I decided to try them. I was like to have sausages on the house for those days when I'm not in the mood for cooking but still have to eat. These chicken sausages are good in taste, but their size doubled when they were frying. When I got them out they returned almost to their normal size. The only thing I was less fond of was the texture of te sausages, because they are a bit more stiff then the other, they reminded me of those german hot dog sausages. The ketchup that is near the sausages is a spicy variety that I found in Intermarché and that I really like.
My other experience was with the red wine Barolo taglioline that I bough in Lidl. when the pasta was cooking, I sensed a sweet cinnamon scent coming from it so I looked at the lable and discovered that the pasta as not only the red wine and the cinnamon, but also ground beetroot, white pepper, nutmeg and cloves. I think these spices give the pasta a very special and tasty touch. I'm a fan!
terça-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2011
Panquecas da Nigella - Nigella's pancakes
Andava para experimentar estas panquecas há meses, mas ainda não me tinha dedicado ao assunto. Foi esta semana que as fiz e ficaram muito saborosas! Só achei que tinham um pouco de sal a mais, mas isso deve-se ao facto de não ter seguido a receita à risca e de ter utilizado manteiga com sal (era a única que tinha em casa) em vez de manteiga sem sal. Acompanhei com maple syrup e um copo de leite e foi o meu jantar, eheheh
I've been meaning to try these pancakes for months now but never really got around to do them. This week I decided it was about time to try them out and they are really quite tasty! The only problem was that mine got a bit salty, but that's just becaus I didn't follow the recipe to the letter and used salted butter (the only one I had) instead of unsalted one. I pored some maple syrup, had a glass of milk with it and that was dinner, eheheh
A receita...
Ingredientes (para cerca de 15 panquecas):
Para a mistura das panquecas
600 g de farinha
3 colheres de sopa (3x15 ml) de fermento em pó
2 colheres de chá de bicarbonato de sódio
1 colher de chá de sal
40 g de açúcar baunilhado ou refinado
Para fazer a massa e as panquecas
por cada 150 g de misture, adicione
1 ovo
250 ml de leite gordo ou meio gordo
1 colher de sopa (15 ml) de manteiga derretida
Misture todos os ingredientes secos e guarde num frasco. Quando for fazer as panquecas, misture muito bem os ingredientes húmidos (leite, ovo e manteiga). Aqueça uma frigideira antiaderente e, quando esta estiver bem quente, deite uma colher e meia a duas colheres de massa sobre a frigideira. Quando aparecerem bolhas à superfície da massa, vire-as para as dourar do outro lado. Cerca de um minuto de cada lado deve ser suficiente. Tenha atenção para não virar as panquecas cedo demais. Sirva com o maple syrup ou com o que preferir. Bom apetite!
The recipe...
Ingredientes (for about 15 pancakes)
for the dry pancake mixture
600 g of plain flour
3 tablespoons of baking powder
2 teaspoons od bicarbonate of soda
1 teaspoon of salt
40 g of caster sugar
to make the pancakes
for every 150 g of dry mixture add
1 egg
250 ml of milk
1 tablespoon of melted butter
Place all the dry ingredients into a bowl and mix well. Transfer to an airtight container, seal and store until needed.
To make the pancakes, add the appropriate quantity of egg, milk and melted butter per 150 g of the dry mixture. Mix well to form a smooth batter. Heat a flat griddle or non-stick frying pan without adding oil. Spoon drops of 1½ to 2 tablespoons of the batter onto the hot griddle and when bubbles appear on the surface of the little pancakes, flip them over and cook until golden-brown on both sides. It should take about a minute per side. Serve with maple syrup or whatever you prefer. Enjoy!
I've been meaning to try these pancakes for months now but never really got around to do them. This week I decided it was about time to try them out and they are really quite tasty! The only problem was that mine got a bit salty, but that's just becaus I didn't follow the recipe to the letter and used salted butter (the only one I had) instead of unsalted one. I pored some maple syrup, had a glass of milk with it and that was dinner, eheheh
A receita...
Ingredientes (para cerca de 15 panquecas):
Para a mistura das panquecas
600 g de farinha
3 colheres de sopa (3x15 ml) de fermento em pó
2 colheres de chá de bicarbonato de sódio
1 colher de chá de sal
40 g de açúcar baunilhado ou refinado
Para fazer a massa e as panquecas
por cada 150 g de misture, adicione
1 ovo
250 ml de leite gordo ou meio gordo
1 colher de sopa (15 ml) de manteiga derretida
Misture todos os ingredientes secos e guarde num frasco. Quando for fazer as panquecas, misture muito bem os ingredientes húmidos (leite, ovo e manteiga). Aqueça uma frigideira antiaderente e, quando esta estiver bem quente, deite uma colher e meia a duas colheres de massa sobre a frigideira. Quando aparecerem bolhas à superfície da massa, vire-as para as dourar do outro lado. Cerca de um minuto de cada lado deve ser suficiente. Tenha atenção para não virar as panquecas cedo demais. Sirva com o maple syrup ou com o que preferir. Bom apetite!
The recipe...
Ingredientes (for about 15 pancakes)
for the dry pancake mixture
600 g of plain flour
3 tablespoons of baking powder
2 teaspoons od bicarbonate of soda
1 teaspoon of salt
40 g of caster sugar
to make the pancakes
for every 150 g of dry mixture add
1 egg
250 ml of milk
1 tablespoon of melted butter
Place all the dry ingredients into a bowl and mix well. Transfer to an airtight container, seal and store until needed.
To make the pancakes, add the appropriate quantity of egg, milk and melted butter per 150 g of the dry mixture. Mix well to form a smooth batter. Heat a flat griddle or non-stick frying pan without adding oil. Spoon drops of 1½ to 2 tablespoons of the batter onto the hot griddle and when bubbles appear on the surface of the little pancakes, flip them over and cook until golden-brown on both sides. It should take about a minute per side. Serve with maple syrup or whatever you prefer. Enjoy!
segunda-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2011
Caixa de chá chic - Chic tea box
Fiz esta caixinha de chá para uma amiga mas uma distracção acabou por me estragar o trabalho... e ela ficou tão gira!!! Quem não se importou nada foi a minha mãe, que ficou com uma caixa de chá para ela, loll. A caixa é em MDF e foi pintada com tintas acrílicas cinza e preta, tinta a óleo prateada nos detalhes e no stencil, e levou um guardanapo super chic :)
I made this tea box for a friend of mine but a small distraction ruinned it... and it looks so cute!! Well, my mum didn't mind the mistake and said she'd keep it. The box is in MDF and was painted with acrilic black and grey paints, plus silver oil paint aplied in the details and the stencil, and was covered with a very fancy napkin.
I made this tea box for a friend of mine but a small distraction ruinned it... and it looks so cute!! Well, my mum didn't mind the mistake and said she'd keep it. The box is in MDF and was painted with acrilic black and grey paints, plus silver oil paint aplied in the details and the stencil, and was covered with a very fancy napkin.
Possibilidade de reproduzir - 10 lunas |
domingo, 9 de janeiro de 2011
Taglioline de laranja com entremeada grelhada - Orange flavoured taglioline pasta with grilled streaky ham
O Lidl tem uma secção gourmet com produtos que não encontramos com facilidade noutros locais, como estas massas taglioline de sabores diferentes. Desta vez resolvi experimentar a taglioline de laranja com uma entremeada grelhada. O sabor da laranja dá-lhe um toque exótico, meio adocicado e muito saboroso :)
Lidl supermarket has a gourmet section with products like these taglioline pastas with flavours, that aren't easily findable in other places. For this meal I decided to try the orange flavoured taglioline with some streaky ham. The orange flavour in the pasta gives an exotic somewhat sweet touch to the dish. Very tasty!
A receita...
massa taglioline de laranja (porção para uma pessoa)
2 fatias de entremeada
2 dentes de alho
sal q.b.
azeite q.b.
cerveja (1/2 mini)
1 colher de chá de massa de pimentão
Tempere a entremeada com o alho picado, o sal, o azeite, a massa de pimentão e a cerveja e deixe repousar durante pelo menos duas horas. Entretanto, coloque a massa a cozer em água com sal até ficar al dente. Enquanto a massa coze, grelhe a entremeada marinada. Sirva acompanhada de uma salada. Bom apetite!
The recipe...
taglioline orange flavoured pasta (enough for one)
2 slices of streaky ham
2 gloves of garlic
a pitch of salt
olive oil
beer (+/- 100 ml)
1 teaspoon of red pepper paste
Marinate the streaky ham with the minced garlic, the salt, some olive oil, the beer and the re pepper paste for at least two hours. Cook the pasta in salted boiling water until it's al dente. Meanwhile, grill the marinated streaky bacon. Serve with a side salad. Enjoy!
Lidl supermarket has a gourmet section with products like these taglioline pastas with flavours, that aren't easily findable in other places. For this meal I decided to try the orange flavoured taglioline with some streaky ham. The orange flavour in the pasta gives an exotic somewhat sweet touch to the dish. Very tasty!
A receita...
massa taglioline de laranja (porção para uma pessoa)
2 fatias de entremeada
2 dentes de alho
sal q.b.
azeite q.b.
cerveja (1/2 mini)
1 colher de chá de massa de pimentão
Tempere a entremeada com o alho picado, o sal, o azeite, a massa de pimentão e a cerveja e deixe repousar durante pelo menos duas horas. Entretanto, coloque a massa a cozer em água com sal até ficar al dente. Enquanto a massa coze, grelhe a entremeada marinada. Sirva acompanhada de uma salada. Bom apetite!
The recipe...
taglioline orange flavoured pasta (enough for one)
2 slices of streaky ham
2 gloves of garlic
a pitch of salt
olive oil
beer (+/- 100 ml)
1 teaspoon of red pepper paste
Marinate the streaky ham with the minced garlic, the salt, some olive oil, the beer and the re pepper paste for at least two hours. Cook the pasta in salted boiling water until it's al dente. Meanwhile, grill the marinated streaky bacon. Serve with a side salad. Enjoy!
sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011
Tempestades - Storms
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Foto de Jim Goodrich |
Gosto imenso de ouvir a chuva lá fora a cair quando estou deitadinha no sofá, enroscada num edredon, a ler ou a ver um filme. São muito raras as vezes em que acordo com tempestades a meio da noite... Lembro-me de, depois de uma noite de tempestade, ouvir as pessoas a comentarem a chuva, o vento, a trovoada, e eu pensar: "Mas quando foi isso? Não ouvi nada!". Pois esta noite, passava pouco das 6h, acordei com um trovão ribombante que fez disparara o alarme dos carros... Foi o único, depois já não se ouviu mais... Uma tempestade estranha como o tempo que temos nos dias que correm...
I really love to hear the rain outside when I'm lying in my sofa, wrapped in a duvet reading book or watching a movie. I don't usually wake up in the middle of the night if there is a storm. I remember, after one such night, hearing the people commenting about the rain, and the wind, and the thunderstorm the morning after and me thinking: "When did that happen? I didn't hear a thing!". Well, last night, it was a little after 6 a.m., I woke up with this big thunderstorm that made all the car alarms go off. It was the only one, then there was silence. It was a strange thunderstorm like the weather we've been having the last few years...
quinta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2011
Sandes "gourmet" - "Gourmet" sandwich
Os povos latinos são grandes adeptos de comezainas ao almoço. O pequeno-almoço pode ser frugal, mas o almoço tem de ser em grande, razão pela qual temos, em média, uma hora para a refeição, a qual inclui - muitas vezes - café e um digestivo. Resultado: após a refeição, a vontade de trabalhar desce a pique, porque o nosso organismo está demasiado ocupado a fazer a digestão e ficamos sonolentos. Aliás, está provado cientificamente que o início da tarde é das alturas do dia menos produtivas. Contudo, no Norte da Europa, a opção passa quase sempre por um almoço mais leve, uma sandes ou uma sopa, comida ao ar livre e em 30 minutos. A minha prima que mora em Londres raramente cozinha para o almoço, normalmente come sandes, se comer. Eu voltei com esse bichinho em algumas refeições. Assim, um destes dias não tinha nada para fazer (acho que vou aderir à moda das ementas semanais, só para saber sempre o que vou fazer) e a vontade para pensar também não era muita, principalmente quando o estômago dá horas. Por isso, resolvi fazer uma sandes com alguns restos perdidos no frigorífico. Muitos simples, prática e apetitosa. Aqui fica a receita.
We latin people are very keen on having a big lunch. We may not eat much for breakfast but we take our time during lunch, that is why we have a hole hour to eat, which most of the times includes coffee and a digestive. The result: after our meal, our will to work decaies drastically because our body is to busy digesting food, which makes us feel sleepy. Actually, is has been scientifically proven that the beginning of the afternoon is one of the times of day when productivity is at its' lowest.
However, in northern Europe people prefer a ligther lunch, a sandwich or a coup of soup, eaten outside and in 30 minutes. My cousin lives in London and she rarelly cooks lunch, she prefers to have a sandwich, when she gets around to eating something at all. I came back from visiting her with that same feeling... So, one of these days I had nothing cooked for lunch (I have to adere to the all weekly menu thing just so I'll always know what it is I'm supposed to cook!), and I had no will to cook anything, specially because I was already hungry, so I decided to make a sandwich with some leftover ingredients I had lost in the fridge. Very simple, very practical and very tasty. Here is what I did...
A receita...
2 fatias de pão (usei de sementes)
uma folha de alface
3 fatias de bacon
uma mão cheia de folhas de espinafres
2 salsichas
um ovo
Coloque as fatias de bacon a cozinhar no microondas num prato durante um minuto e meio. Entretanto, frite as salsichas e estrele o ovo. Peque numa fatia de pão e, por cima, coloque a folha de alface e depois o bacon.
Depois, coloque as folhas de espinafres e, por cima, as salsichas abertas ao meio.
Finalize com o ovo estrelado e a segunda fatia de pão. Bom apetite!
The recipe...
2 slices of bread (I used a seeded bread I had leftover)
1 leaf of lettuce
3 slices of bacon
a bunch of spinach
2 sausages
1 egg
Put the bacon cooking on a plate in the microwave for a minute and a half. Meanwhile, fry the sausages and the egg. Put the lettuce on top of a slice of bread, then top with the bacon. Had the spinach, then the sausages halved and finally the egg, and cover with the other slice of bread. Enjoy!
We latin people are very keen on having a big lunch. We may not eat much for breakfast but we take our time during lunch, that is why we have a hole hour to eat, which most of the times includes coffee and a digestive. The result: after our meal, our will to work decaies drastically because our body is to busy digesting food, which makes us feel sleepy. Actually, is has been scientifically proven that the beginning of the afternoon is one of the times of day when productivity is at its' lowest.
However, in northern Europe people prefer a ligther lunch, a sandwich or a coup of soup, eaten outside and in 30 minutes. My cousin lives in London and she rarelly cooks lunch, she prefers to have a sandwich, when she gets around to eating something at all. I came back from visiting her with that same feeling... So, one of these days I had nothing cooked for lunch (I have to adere to the all weekly menu thing just so I'll always know what it is I'm supposed to cook!), and I had no will to cook anything, specially because I was already hungry, so I decided to make a sandwich with some leftover ingredients I had lost in the fridge. Very simple, very practical and very tasty. Here is what I did...
A receita...
2 fatias de pão (usei de sementes)
uma folha de alface
3 fatias de bacon
uma mão cheia de folhas de espinafres
2 salsichas
um ovo
Coloque as fatias de bacon a cozinhar no microondas num prato durante um minuto e meio. Entretanto, frite as salsichas e estrele o ovo. Peque numa fatia de pão e, por cima, coloque a folha de alface e depois o bacon.
Depois, coloque as folhas de espinafres e, por cima, as salsichas abertas ao meio.
Finalize com o ovo estrelado e a segunda fatia de pão. Bom apetite!
The recipe...
2 slices of bread (I used a seeded bread I had leftover)
1 leaf of lettuce
3 slices of bacon
a bunch of spinach
2 sausages
1 egg
Put the bacon cooking on a plate in the microwave for a minute and a half. Meanwhile, fry the sausages and the egg. Put the lettuce on top of a slice of bread, then top with the bacon. Had the spinach, then the sausages halved and finally the egg, and cover with the other slice of bread. Enjoy!
quarta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2011
Massa de limão com espinafres, salmão marinado e pinhões - Lemon pasta with spinach, marinated salmon and pine nuts
Tinha no frigorífico uma embalagem de salmão marinado e não sabia bem o que lhe fazer, porque a comprei para usar como entrada e acabei por não a usar. Então, resolvi "inventar" qualquer coisa e isto foi o que saiu. Gostei do resultado final, ficou diferente até porque experimentei a massa gourmet de limão que o Lidl tem à venda. A partir de hoje, o blogue terá versão em inglês.
I had some marinated salmon in the fridge that I was supposed to use as an entrée but didn't. So, I had to think of another way to eat it and so I invented this. I liked the taste, it was different also because I used a lemon pasta that I bought in Lidl.
A receita...
Ingredientes (fiz a olho):
salmão marinado
massa de limão
sal e pimenta preta moída
Coloque um fio de azeite e uma colher de manteiga numa frigideira antiaderente e salteei a cebola até ficar translúcida. Depois adicionei o salmão e cozinhei. Finalmente, adicionei os espinafres e deixei-os reduzir um pouco. Temperei com sal e pimenta preta moída. À parte cozi a massa em água com sal. No final, adicionei a massa à frigideira e envolvi. Polvilhei com pinhões e comi :P Bom apetite!
The recipe...
Ingredients (I didn't measure):
olive oil
marinated salmon
pine nuts
lemon pasta
salt and black pepper
I put a tablespon of butter and a little bit of olive oil in a sauté pan and sauteed the onion (chopped finely). Then I incorporated the salmon and cooked for a bit. Finally, I added the spinach and let it reduce a little. Sprinkled with some salt and pepper. On the side, I cooked tha pasta in boiling water with salt. I added the pasta to the sauté pan and mixed it in. Finally, I sprinkled with some pine nuts. Enjoy!
I had some marinated salmon in the fridge that I was supposed to use as an entrée but didn't. So, I had to think of another way to eat it and so I invented this. I liked the taste, it was different also because I used a lemon pasta that I bought in Lidl.
A receita...
Ingredientes (fiz a olho):
salmão marinado
massa de limão
sal e pimenta preta moída
Coloque um fio de azeite e uma colher de manteiga numa frigideira antiaderente e salteei a cebola até ficar translúcida. Depois adicionei o salmão e cozinhei. Finalmente, adicionei os espinafres e deixei-os reduzir um pouco. Temperei com sal e pimenta preta moída. À parte cozi a massa em água com sal. No final, adicionei a massa à frigideira e envolvi. Polvilhei com pinhões e comi :P Bom apetite!
The recipe...
Ingredients (I didn't measure):
olive oil
marinated salmon
pine nuts
lemon pasta
salt and black pepper
I put a tablespon of butter and a little bit of olive oil in a sauté pan and sauteed the onion (chopped finely). Then I incorporated the salmon and cooked for a bit. Finally, I added the spinach and let it reduce a little. Sprinkled with some salt and pepper. On the side, I cooked tha pasta in boiling water with salt. I added the pasta to the sauté pan and mixed it in. Finally, I sprinkled with some pine nuts. Enjoy!
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